off day today. or a day off. once im not so high im going to go to the postal office. and send the books out. and i have to fix a flat tire. and i feel worthless. and i want a spicy chicken sandwich from carls junior. could someone come over and fix my tire for me. c 'mon. im high. does anyone want to come over and spoon. or at least hang out. or find the ten dollars i lost last night.
i get the day after cinco de mayo off of work so im gonna go to the post office and send the books out that day. i swear. just so i dont have to care about them anymore. until they get back into my arms and i have to deal with them again. like a bunch of crying babies. and i know how much i hate babies. especially crying babies. and thats a lot. a lot.
i try to do things. and doing things with other people. like sex. and drawing. and painting. and drugs. and drawing. and weed. and art. and boating. and music. and living. and did i say drugs. i dont do drugs.